
Explore the World of Hakriya.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Ancient religions that have now become legends and tales found only in dusty tomes tell of a story of a brother and sister born from a pool of fire, the first element. The brother was called Cinqane and the sister was called Falcide. They joined together in incinerating flame to create Hakriya, from the West Sea to the dark forests of Merdonia and beyond. Everything and everyone came into beginning from the fallen ash, called Sorei in the ancient tongue, of their union. While Falcide created the mountains and sky, Cinqane created the seas and forests.
They divided the world into five elements:, called kyuchen:
Aeth (earth), Shura (sky), Wen (water), and Fael (fire).

But, Falcide became jealous. Cinqane's oceans and forests covered much of her earth creation. As time moved on, from the forests came birds and animals of all shapes and sizes. They ruled the lands and seas in complete harmony. Cinqane boasted that his creations were much superior that Falcide's.

Falcide became so angry that she took an axe and hacked Cinqane into five pieces. She spread these pieces across Hakriya. But the power of life was strong in Cinqane and he was reborn into the five Creations: Mannaz, Lamorian, Posei, Dervic, and Maucore. Thus, the first Era was born.

These five races lived together in harmony for many milleniums. Working in harmony, they created wonderful Artifacts and Relics of magnificant power. Hakriya entered a Golden Era of life where knowledge and life grew tenfold.

But, Falcide was still jealous. She used her power to turn the five races against each other. The three Racial Wars nearly destroyed Hakriya. In the end, the Mannaz and Posei were victors. The Dervic were expelled to the far corners of Merdonia. The wise Maucore were expelled across the seas. And the Lamorians who did not escape to the Dynestrian Plain or hide in the forests away from the conquers were enslaved.

Thus, the world has been since. Now, the Fifth Era has come. Alserik told of many scholars and priests who predict that the Fifth Era will be the last. Falcide will burn Hakriya and Cinqane will be reborn whole. Then they will return to the primordial flame from which they came.

Most ancient legends and stories, like many of the knowledge of the previous Eras, were lost during the Third Era. But, tradition in villages and rural areas including eastern Kostoj and Dynestria managed to live on. It is here that old religions and beliefs, like the earth-cult of Druas, still exists.